QualityAssurance(QA)isaconsistent Universityhasdefinedthevision,mission,
policy of CTU. It has, in recent core values and quality policy statement; and
years, constantly been innovated specified policies to promote QA activities.
and achieved important results. Determining The restructured QA system is devided into
long-term QA vision, the University has 2 levels. At University level, the Council for
restructured the organization and operation Quality Assurance is responsible for advising
of QA mechanisms, synchronized internal and the Rector on QA strategies and policies. At
external QA and accreditation approaching unit level, CTU has 26 QA teams with 140
national and international quality standards. members from both academic units and
In 2013, CTU became an official member of training supporting ones. The number of
AUN. This event partly showed its prestige in members is up to the units' scale.
ASEAN educational communities.
The QA teams are annually strengthened
To direct and promote QA activities, the in quantity and quality. Some of them have
University has not only adjusted the overall been selected to take national accreditor
development plan to 2022, but issued various training courses and international program
regulations to guide QA activities such as the evaluation ones. The staff also participate
regulations on functions and operation of in the exchange activities in QA through
CTU's Council for Quality Assurance, internal international programs and projects i.e.
QA activities, consultation of stakeholders to HEEAP, ASEAN-QA, Dies-Partnership.
evaluate and develop training programs, and
transfer of credits in AUN. Especially, the The tools of monitoring, evaluation and