Page 18 - Annual Report 2021 - Can Tho University
P. 18

Implementation of Information                                     n order to strengthen management and

     Technology and Digital Transformation                            Igovernance practices and create a favorable
                                                                      environment for teaching and learning
                                                                      activities, in 2021, Can  Tho University
                                                                      issued Resolution and Action Program on
                                                                      “Promoting digital transformation to develop
                                                                      Can Tho University towards a smart university”.

                     Facilities for online activities

                                                                              06 halls and rooms
                                                                                 equipped with
                                                                              video conferencing
                                                                09 rooms
                                                                 for online
                     02 40-seat
                   classrooms for                01 livestream
                   inviting foreign   09 multi-    studio for
                     professors      purpose        events
                                    rooms with
                                    nearly 300
                                    computers                                                     354 courses
                                                                                                  with online
                                                                                                  multiple-choice tests

                   eOffice system with
                   over 8,000 documents                1,082  courses

                                                                                          Online learning
                                                                                       management system

                               All lecturers have Google Meet,
                               Microsoft Teams accounts and are
                               sponsored with 1,600 Zoom accounts
                               for online teaching with more than
                               5,000 classes

                                      Online teaching

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                ANNUAL REPORT 2021AL REPORT 2021
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