Writing plays an important role in English learning and teaching proccesses as well as communicating; however, writing in English is considered to be a difficult skill for Vietnamese students. According to Tran (2000), Nguyen (2002) & Nguyen (2006) all cited in Nguyen (2010), Vietnamese students are poor at writing English for many reasons such as typical teaching methods used in English classes in Vietnam, limited study time, school policy and the pressure of an examination-oriented education system. The correction of errors in student writing is an important way to help students improve their writing and over English skills. The paper presents a research investigating Vietnamese University students’ preferences regarding writing correction. This research will use interview and survey methods of 90 English-majored students at Can Tho Univerisity, in southern Vietnam to examine: (1) whether or not they prefer their errors to be corrected; (2) what type of correction they prefer and (3) the type of corrections they would prefer.