Tạp chí: Book chapter “Magnetotransport Properties of Bismuth Chalcogenide Topological Insulators” in book “Diverse Quasiparticle Properties of Emerging Materials”
Novel electronic state called the topological surface state (TSS) has been discovered in bismuth chalcogenide topological insulators (TIs). The TSS has a linear energy-momentum dispersion relation, and it is robust against nonmagnetic perturbations that protected by the time-reversal symmetry. Additionally, the Dirac fermion quasiparticles in TSS possesses fully spin-polarized characteristics, and thus TIs have a high potential for the development of spintronic devices and quantum computation. Since the electron (or spin) quantum transport in TIs are important for realization of the applications, a wide variety of transport studies of bismuth chalcogenide TIs has been reported. This chapter presents the rich transport properties of bismuth chalcogenide TIs, including the intriguing superconducting phenomena, weak anti-localization (WAL), and quantum oscillations.