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Kỷ yếu HN quốc tế
Book chapter
Tạp chí quốc tế 2023
Số tạp chí 10(2023) Trang: 2286737
Tạp chí: Cogent Arts & Humanities

The primary objective of this research was to examine how gender influences self-perceived extroverted learners in their choice and application of language acquisition strategies. This research employs an intricate descriptive methodological framework alongside a multi-method paradigm to investigate the impacts of gender on the self-perceived extroverts’ language acquisition strategies. The participant’s extroversion identification was self-determined, premised on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Data was accumulated via survey questionnaires and subsequent interviews, thereby furnishing both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The derived findings uncover discrepancies between female and male extroverts concerning their predilections and strategic approaches. Female extroverts display a positive association with colors, interpreting them as augmenting engagement, personalization, and mnemonic aid. Conversely, male extroverts voice apprehensions about colors being diverting or detrimental to their instinctual learning progression, favoring a streamlined, content-centric method. Female extroverts underscore immersive and interactive experiences, enriching real-world communication competencies and personal connection to the language. Male extroverts exhibit a preference for diversified experiences, pragmatic application, and autonomous exploration. Female extroverts perceive the act of seeking clarification as indispensable for active engagement, communication, vocabulary enhancement, and cultural comprehension, while male extroverts prioritize self-guided discovery, problem-solving, and learning within context.

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Vietnamese | English

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