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Book chapter
Tạp chí quốc tế 2023
Số tạp chí 171(2023) Trang: 106735
Tạp chí: Biomass and Bioenergy

In-depth information about the transformation of biomass during gasifcation is the key to the sustainable
development of this technology. This study elucidated the evolution of physico-chemical properties of macadamia husk throughout relevant industrial gasifcation conditions. The technical characteristics combined with
high conversion rate highlighted the suitability of this feedstock for gasifcation. A stable syngas flow rate with
high concentrations of CO and H
2, reaching a lower heating value of 13.8 MJ m- 3 on average was obtained.
Relatively porous chars with a majority of micro-mesopores were observed throughout the conversion, which
suggests the potential to use the residues after gasifcation as cheap and effcient adsorbents. In addition, multiple carboxyl and hydroxyl functional groups were present on the char surface. Moreover, a high K content was
detected (ranging from 85 mg g
- 1 for pyrolyzed MH char to 746 mg g- 1 for MH gasifed char at the conversion
rate of 85%) and evenly distributed on the char surface. Such results consolidated the idea of combining the
production of energy and cheap bio-fertilizers using the gasifcation of macadamia husk. The resulting database
offered interesting hints for the development of zero-waste energy production systems with biomass gasifcation.

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Tạp chí: Indian Journal of Environmental Protection
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Vietnamese | English

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